miss me much? seriously it's been one thing after the other ever since we moved. i still have no car, but that's a story for another day...lets talk about my lame laptop with it's missing buttons and half the screen almost falling off. i was on said laptop one night and tripped over the already fraying power cord and it broke...like for real...so there goes the laptop. luckily my sis was looking to get a new computer so she sold me her macbook, at a special sister price, but that took like a week to get. so i finally get back up and running and then i realized most of my recent pics are still on the old laptop so until i can borrow my mom's charger the blog might be a little sparse on pics.
so now that you're all bored with tech talk, lets talk about my ELLIE DRESS!!! i am obsessed with elephants aka ellie's. everything i see that has an ellie, i want to buy...and i might actually do just that...shhhh don't tell! so when i saw this dress and then realized it was literally like a little girl dress in big girl size (and we all know how i feel about that) i knew it had to be mine! plus you could eat like an entire elephant and no one would know because it's so big and flowy and amazeballs!

This dress is so cute!
Sparkles and Shoes
Adorable as always, and you look like a teenager! :)